The Ultimate Smile Makeover Experience! Where Custom Smiles are Crafted™

Our customers benefit from these advantages:

3D milling and Design

Award-Winning, full service dental laboratory

Digital Lab

We Mill Your Designed Cases

The future of dentistry and the ability to elevate your practice has never been brighter. Together we are Elle Jordan Studio "Where custom Smiles are Crafted"

In this Digital Age, your trust and confidence means everything to us. Let us be you partner on this journey to freedom as you take control of your practice- "One tooth at a time"

As you are aware, technology and material science is growing exponentially and the investment we have made to serve you better is exciting. We will be able to provide you with many new services and areas of expertise, while still maintaining the custom crafted restorations that serve your patients best. Our new inEos X5 scanner was developed according to the highest quality standards for optical measuring systems. It ensures the greatest accuracy for your transition into a digital workflow. Our InLab MC X5 is marveled in the 3D milling universe. With 5-axis, we can make complex cases easy for you. This offers a wide variety of solutions for your patients. Digital design is our element. Our reach is limitless, providing you with materials ranging from Zirconium, ceramics, polymers, discs, E-max and titanium abutments to provide the ultimate in esthetics and function for the multiple situations that you require. Milled provisionals from PMMA discs have the strength and look of final restorations, and are only one-click away! The ability to coordinate implant placement, surgical stents, and implant provisionals can be designed in virtual space. If you have any questions about what this exciting endeavor will mean for you, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Warm Regards,
Claude C Cheong, MDT

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